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Paul ***** Sr. Bulldozer Operator

Houston, TX

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About Me


Professional, versatile writer, confident in writing and editing both nonfiction and fiction.Repertoire of work includes dozens of articles, essays, and opinion pieces, ranging from history to popular culture to politics, economics, and religion.

Having studied history, political science, and philosophy, the use of words informing opinions in objective and logical construction is incredibly important.


2010-2011 Bulldozer Operator at Google

Aenean nisl ante, posuere ac tempor sed, luctus non erat. Mauris tortor libero, facilisis a volutpat sed, porta ac nibh. Cras scelerisque elit magna

2009-2010 Jr. Bulldozer Operator at Envato

Donec quis malesuada quam, nec viverra felis. Aenean ut consequat tellus. Proin eget velit nec nibh pharetra sodales. Mauris aliquam ex a tellus consequat porta.